
First Update

A project log for Multiwind

A modular system for multimodal hands-free music control, wind instrument development and general human computer interaction.

chris-grahamChris Graham 07/04/2018 at 17:341 Comment

The Multiwind project represents the restarting of a personal research project on electronic wind instruments I've had going for a very long time.  The research produced designs for many subsystems with unique and powerful capabilities but the challenge has always been to integrate them into something that could be made inexpensively and in quantity.  Five years ago I put the project aside because the upfront costs of making safe-to-use mouthpieces was going to be too high (and due to some eye problems which are now somewhat improved).

Now with the vibrant maker movement, open software and hardware, online fabrication services and communities like Hackaday, the time is right to restart the project.   

So this is the first progress report.  Lots has already been done since restarting the project:


Toby wrote 07/18/2018 at 17:55 point

I believe Imogen Heap would show excitement for your ideas and development.  She has engineers she works with to develop novel HMI instruments.

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