
Possibly final update on the project

A project log for Witcher Wi-Fi Medallion MK2

Didn't like the metal necklace, so PCB art was the way to go.

torbjrn-lindholmTorbjörn Lindholm 06/13/2021 at 14:550 Comments

Hello all, thank you so much for the love. It really does make me very happy to know that many people have enjoyed looking at my projects even a little bit. Thank you.

While I have... 3? 7? Uhh... Let's call it 6, 6 projects going on, I did not forget about this project. It's what has started me on the journey of fancy PCB designs, after all. It has a big sentimental value to me. So, this is possibly going to be the final update on this project.

I do plan to make a brand new MK3 version of this medallion. It'll have either more features or even more reduced features at the smallest possible form factor to facilitate more intricate designs. I haven't decided yet, and I'd like to get some input on the designs, features, or anything you'd like to see on the project.

Hope you all are staying safe. Take care, and see you again in the future! Happy hacking!


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