
Captain's Log 3: Power System Research + Calculations

A project log for F.L.O.A.T.I.B.O.I

Harnessing renewable energy to prevent plastic pollution from reaching deep sea.

sanjana-paulSanjana Paul 07/12/2018 at 20:580 Comments

One of the key components of F.L.O.A.T.I.B.O.I is that it is meant to be powered by renewable energy. There is no shortage of energy sources out in the ocean - why let it go to waste?

As mentioned in our details section, F.L.O.A.T.I.B.O.I is meant to be powered by a renewable energy system. This system would likely be specific to F.L.O.A.T.I.B.O.I, but the concept could be extrapolated and scaled to any marine robotic project. 

We primarily plan to use wave energy, solar power, an wind energy. There are numerous instances of USVs (Unmanned Surface Vehicles) using these sources of power already (you can check out some examples in our landscape analysis file!).

Once we determine what motors we plan to use to drive F.L.O.A.T.I.B.O.I, we'll have a much better idea of the power footprint. Until then, a tentative power system parts list:

Lithium Polymer Batteries

Solar Panel(s)

Charge controller(s)

Wave power foil

wind turbine(s)

One current idea is to have the wind turbines be able to rotate 180 degrees from the air into the water on less windy days to take advantage of any turbulence in the water from F.L.O.A.T.I.B.O.I's movement, movement of plastic trash, etc. Any thoughts or suggestions?
