Once we have finished creating the base for our piezoelectric generator, its time to hot glue them on. I found that the best technique to glue the elements to the board was to apply a thin layer of glue around the edge of the hole in the plastic, then quickly pressing the piezo element onto the glue before it cools. Be careful not to apply too much glue, or else you may restrict the foam pads (which will be glued on top of the piezo elements) from fully compressing. Also, make sure the glue does not cover the contact points of the black or red wires, because we will be soldering to these points soon. Make sure you glue piezo elements on both sides of the plastic. If you have a multi-meter, you can ensure that your piezo elements work by setting the multi-meter to AC volts and pressing on the piezo. After you have glued all of the piezo in their appropriate spots, you can then glue the foam/cardboard pieces onto each piezo element.

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