
final list of material, finally

A project log for Guerra de Robots (robots war) official Badge

My first attempt to make a badge, for an upcoming event of robotics in my college. each year should be one brand new ;)

rrichmondRRichmond 07/20/2018 at 17:560 Comments

so, after some time i got the parts i needed, cheap enough thanks internet and will power,

good news everyone (said the professor).
i managed to get down the cost so i was able to get one more row of LED, so its gonna be a 6x6 led matrix, but with only 2 buttons, i wanted to get more buttons and i could, using one analog input, but the Attiyn4313 doesn't have one.
anyway, everything is place now, the BOM shouldn't change that much, so i can finally route everything without any major problem
