
Bender Bending Rodríguez

A project log for P1 - Buddha Tape feeder

3D printable Pick and Place tape feeder for the Arcus-3D-P1.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 08/04/2018 at 21:130 Comments

I made a little throw-away template you can use for bending the connecting rod/getting the connecting rod length and the pivot depth 'correct' more easily.

Here is what the connecting rod should look like when done, and fit the length of the connecting rod template holes.

Oh... and don't forget to put the spring pivot part on the rod before bending the second end.  It's rather impossible to get it on after bending..

I've also discovered it is much easier to make the first bend at a 90 degree angle to where it's supposed to end up, so you can get the perfect depth for the pivot points and then rotate the resulting end back to straight.  I'll post a video later.

The connecting rod template is in the source now, and rendered as a part on Github.
