
Wrote Rachel's OS to access buttons and lights

A project log for Rachel's Nightmare, a distributed polyphonic synth

Uses multiple Arduino Nano and a passive mixer to generate multiple voices simultaneously.

arduino-enigmaArduino Enigma 12/30/2018 at 05:470 Comments

Wrote Rachel's OS, a set of functions that provides the status of the buttons, whether they are pushed or not right now as well as debounced status. The lights can also be controlled by setting a value in an array.

A sound composer app was also written:

-synth parameters for all 4 buttons get loaded from eeprom on startup
-press a blue button to play the synth note saved for that button
-press left yellow button to move the selection blue light to the next blue button
-the sequence is off,1,2,3,4,off
-press middle yellow button to play the synth note selected by the pots
-press the right yellow button or the selected blue button to save the synth parameters for that blue button and write those values to eeprom

The SoundComposer sketch can be downloaded here:

The voice board PCB can be ordered here:
