My original plan was to download the latest Raspbian image and build the AIY environment on top of it. So I downloaded 2018-06-27-raspbian-stretch.zip from the Pi Foundation and then tried to follow the instructions in the AIY github repository (HACKING.md). And then I started going around in circles. The current branch "aiyprojects" supports my v1 VoiceHat, but the instructions are all based on the v2 Pi Zero "bonnet". I saw no virtue in blindly installing drivers for "MCU" (the SAMD microcontroller on the bonnet?) or "Myriad" (the FPGA on the Vision bonnet?).
Fortunately, while poking around the repository looking for clues I noticed that an updated SD card image was posted to the releases page on August 3rd. I think this is based on the 6/27 Raspbian image, and hence - unlike the previous (4/13) AIY image - should support Raspberry Pi 3+. (After finding the 4/13 image didn't work on it, I moved my only 3+ to my OSMC box and don't want to move it back.)
So far, getting VoiceBox up and running has been very straight-forward. I'll write up the installation steps in an "Instructions" post after I've replicated them on another fresh SD card.
The biggest holdup was a bug in the new version of aiy.audio.say() which led me on a wild goose chase looking for bugs in the VoiceHat drivers or my PulseAudio configuration. I'll write-up a work-around when I've decided between a quick fix (removing the volume level modifier in tts.py), and taking the opportunity to improve the quality of the local text-to-speech output.
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