
Post-preliminary code testing

A project log for Puff-Suck interface for fast text input

A tube connected to a bipolar pressure switch drives an Arduino which translates puffing and sucking into Morse code and then into text.

anaAna 08/03/2018 at 01:130 Comments

No tube connected yet, but we're well on our way!

All bugs mentioned in the previous post have been fixed, and you can see the code as of now here. I still have some commenting to do, but it's not the ugliest, and works good (so far!). 

The problem with "36" printing instead of "#" (for non-existent characters) was easily solved by changing pMark's type from char to byte.

The second problem (speed changing erratically) was caused by some code I forgot to remove. It was supposed to automatically detect the user's speed, however it wouldn't work for a dual-lever paddle.

The third problem (random DIT's) was much more troublesome. I "debugged" (putting LOTS of print statements) the code and found out it lied in the switch/case statement. I tried to figure out the problem... I really did. In the end I just changed it into a series of IFs and ELSE IFs, hoped for the best, and tah dah! It works.

I'll have to revisit the code later and attempt to pinpoint the problem, as I prefer to not leave things unsolved.

Here is the morsing in action (The light labeled 'L' flashes morse code, and TX flashes when a character is sent):

It's not the clearest video, but, I did what I could. Characters are printed to the serial port right after being morsed!

