I have a display in the Maine Children's Museum, and I would like to show kids they can get a similar project running using a raspberry Pi. The project currently runs OpenCV3, which I haven’t been able to get working on a Raspberry PI. Yet, I'm sure I can adapt the source code to make it functional. What I want is for kids to not only say hey, that's neat, but also think "I could do that"
The "Dance Room" on the 3rd Floor of the Bangor Maine, Maine Discovery Museum (go, check it out). is a room, playing music, with a camera. There is a ring of LEDs and some back light radiations that allow for filtering objects from background. OpenCV converts the video stream into randomly coloured contours and displays them on a screen. your colourful contoured likeness is then projected in front of you
Ongoing project with room for improvement and innovation. I'm currently developing new visualizations for the display, and I would like to port
any linux PC (x86_64 || i383+) should work
any camera can work. network cam, USB, what ever
LEDs are optional
A screen
Im using a projector, and a screen, but a monitor is probably more practical for home use.