
September 30th Update

A project log for FPGA Helper

A programming and communication interface for FPGAs

greggreg 10/01/2018 at 05:102 Comments

The board is up and running and software development is making good progress.

The UF2 bootloader and CircuitPython are up and running on the board. 

The dotstar LED and QWIIC I2C connector are both accessible through CircuitPython.  Here is a link to a video showing the board fading the LED and reading a Qwiic NFCPROM:


tannewt wrote 11/11/2018 at 04:17 point

Let me know if you need any help with this! I'd love to see a feather with a SAMD friend for an fpga.

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greg wrote 11/12/2018 at 02:31 point

Yes, that is the intent of this project. It is primarily a software development vehicle in preparation for feather board with an FPGA. I can spare a board or two for people with time to help develop the code.

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