Each room has a binary option in it which can affect what areas you are allowed to access in game and the colors that appear on your badge. For example, in the mechanics room (I have a HUMAN badge and am assuming all badges have the same "story"), if you "Pull the codes from the car", you can't go down the elevator but if you "Download the payment records, you are able to go down the elevator, and the "C" and "O" light up on the badge itself.
There is another that can change depending on the state of the game as well, but not all decisions can affect it. If you connect you badge to the terminal, you'll notice a number at the bottom of the screen. This number changes in response to two decisions, Punching In / Punching Out in The Garage and Pulling the car codes vs Downloading payment records. Punching in increments the number by 10, while Downloading the records increments it by 4.

I believe this number can determine whether you are allowed into certain areas or not. It may be possible to interface directly with the board somehow and alter the memory directly to unlock new areas. I don't have the know-how to do that so if someone could look into that, it could end up being very fruitful.
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Goon told me you have to touch skulls on both badges simultaneously to initiate transfer when docking.
First goon I tried didn't do it, and docking didn't get me 2nd red man.
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After getting your C and O lit in the middle area of the badge, go up to the topmost left position. Hitting the 2 button seems to turn on the D there. You can lock in your D, C, and O by going to the topmost right position. It will stay D, C and O green as long as you don't inadvertently hit the 2 while the badge is hanging around your neck.
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