I started with a few template classes:
Wire<N> - generic wires (base class for everything else)
Uint<N> - unsigned N-bit integer
Sint<N> - signed N-bit integer
Tint<N> - balanced ternary N-trit integer
Also there is class Signal that is the same thing as Wire<1> (a single wire)
Every wire may be in one of the states listed below:
NC - not connected (internally represented by character 'Z')
TRUE - connected to positive power line (internally represented by character 'P')
FALSE - connected to negative power line (internally represented by character 'N')
MAYBE - intermediate state to simulate ternary logic (internally represented by character 'O')
PULLUP - weak pull-up to positive (character '1')
PULLDOWN - weak pull-down to negative (character '0')
INVALID - invalid state that prevents simulated circuit to work properly (character '?')
In future I want to support fixed point and floating point numbers (but not right now).
Sample code to test basic types:
#include "TRCMath.hpp"
using namespace std;
using namespace TRC;
int main()
Wire<5> a;
Wire<32> b;
Wire<1> signal,out;
Signal signal2;
Uint<32> u;
Sint<32> s;
s[0] = TRUE;
b[31] = FALSE;
s = b&&u;
signal = MAYBE;
signal2 = TRUE;
out = signal & signal2;
cout << "signal=" << signal << endl;
cout << "signal2=" << signal2 << endl;
cout << "out=" << out << endl;
cout << "a=" << a << endl;
cout << "b=" << b << endl;
cout << "u=" << u << endl;
cout << "s=" << s << endl;
Objects Wire<N> will support only logical operations and all integer simulated types will support also arithmetic. Above you can see how operator && (bitwise AND) was applied to two Wire<32> objects and operator & (logical AND) was applied to two Signal objects.
Source code is available under GPLv3 on GitLab (it is still work in progress):
Now I'm thinking about the way to support reliable multiple state machine simulation (with ability to run simulation concurrently to occupy all available cores of host PC).
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