With the transformer from old computer PSU. I try to make 12V 10A ( SMPS ) at home. I use SprintLayout for make PCB and iron method for make PCB board. In this video you can see me windings the SMPS transformer
Step 1: Design the PCB
I use SprintLayout one of Rusia electric software for design PCB and print it to calendar paper. I always use calendar paper for print PCB because it cheap and good quality

Step 2: Make a PCB by Iron (press) Method
The first we need to cut the PCB exactly the PCB we print on calendar paper. After that we use the iron press to the PCB about 5 minute at maximum temperature

Step 3: Complete Make PCB
We put the PCB into water about 5 minute. After that we take the paper out and put it to FeCl3 liquid for 15 minute or more...then put to water again and clean it.

Because make the PCB take alot of time so for easy you can make PCB online. I usualy make PCB online by upload the gerber file to https://jlcpcb.com/m for get PCB only 2$ for 10PCB. All file of my project include gerber file below. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UjW-VHvbHSNWNfw00ue3HTzWt3pBR8py/view

Step 4: Drill PCB and Solder Component
Make the hole for PCB and solder component. I had attach the layout picture you just put the component to exact position.
List of component below.
List of component below.Your can order online them from LCSC.COM
Fuse 5A https://bit.ly/2F8Gvmy
Capacitor 275/250V https://bit.ly/2P2vKad
AC filter https://bit.ly/2SIc6hE
Brigde diode RS507 https://bit.ly/2AHtLz4
Resistor 150K https://bit.ly/2JxTcWD
Cacpacitor 150uF/450V https://bit.ly/2ziFjXC
MF275 5D9 https://bit.ly/2P6KNiU
Resistor (27k )33K/2W https://bit.ly/2RwonVc
Mosfet 20N60 x2 https://bit.ly/2SCssst
Resistor 27ohm X2 https://bit.ly/2Rt2INF
Capacitor 224/100V https://bit.ly/2Om5S3Y
Diode UF4007 https://bit.ly/2yLNSek
Diode 1N4007 https://bit.ly/2zpXcno
Diode MBR20100 https://bit.ly/2F8HXp0
IR2153 https://bit.ly/2AHuwbo
Resistor 15K https://bit.ly/2EZwYhF
Capacitor 102 https://bit.ly/2QeOhN7
Capacitor 100uF/16V https://bit.ly/2PDOfkw
Capacitor 105/600V https://bit.ly/2yNRP1T
Resistor 4K7 https://bit.ly/2yM5CGv
Led 5mm https://bit.ly/2P31o7s
Resistor 2k2/2W https://bit.ly/2RwQNP0
Capacitor 2200uF/50V https://bit.ly/2AHcNkD
Choke and transformer heatsink we can take from old computer PSU
The Transfomer we need windings modify.

Step 5: Take Out the Old Wire From Transformer and Rewindings

Step 6: Solder Transformer and First Test
Solder the transformer and test the circuit. In the first test we must connect with 60w/220v light bulb before plug to 220V. If the circuit fail the light bulb will on and we safety

Can you link your schematic diagram? I'm having problem finding it.