
Si5351 work

A project log for X-UHF

X-UHF is a project to build a low cost RF prototyping system for experimenting in VHF and UHF bands.

colin-alstonColin Alston 08/19/2018 at 04:160 Comments

The fine traces for the 5351 oscillator required switching to a UV lithography PCB process. So I had to build a quick UV exposure box. 

First attempt with 5 hour dry time on the Positiv spray and 10 minute UV exposure worked quite well so I decided to go ahead and etch it. 

It seems there was a bit of ghosting on the transparency plate which meant the angled traces got lost, and the channel 1 end launch got lost somehow on the plate so it needs to be reprinted. For the most part this was a pretty encouraging first attempt, UV exposure is definitely the way to go. 

I'm going to keep trying to get a test board working before sending anything to a professional fab. 
