

A project log for uMesh

A 1" squared ESP32 module that natively takes LiPo batteries, charges them, and doesn't kill them.

jarrettJarrett 10/01/2018 at 16:204 Comments

How do you program your module if your programming sled is not yet complete?

Oh, don't ask, it's awful.

It blinks!

Over the next couple weeks, I'll go into tuning of the antenna, and errata I found while building it, but all of that is just icing.


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Morning.Star wrote 10/04/2018 at 07:30 point

+1 for not using ribbon cable XD

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Xasin wrote 10/02/2018 at 18:20 point

Uh, dear ... Did a USB-To-Uart chip not fit in there? Whew ...
Though I must admit, I've done similar programming things with my own projects, I can't blame you.

I've got a question about the antenna tuning, by the way. I've got a ESP32-based project with a PCB antenna, and I have absolutely no idea on what it needs and such. If you have a pointer, or if you'll post instructions and similar here, that'd be a great help!

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Jarrett wrote 10/02/2018 at 18:30 point

Hah, a USB-UART chip did not fit! Kinda avoided components that wouldn't be used during normal operation. I have a pogo-pin programming board for this that needs to be soldered up and tested, though, to be less... Terrible.

For the antenna, ProAnt published an app note on tuning their antenna. It kinda relies on having a vector network analyser, though, which I do not have. I'm planning on getting 90% of the way there with just a network analyser.

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Xasin wrote 10/02/2018 at 18:43 point

I don't even have a network analyser. Fun :S
Let's hope a barebones PCB antenna will be enough for about 2m of bluetooth range.

Thanks for the tip ^^

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