
Bumpers and Brakes

A project log for Ottercar

The OtterCar is my vehicle for the HackyRacers competition at emfcamp

jana-marieJana Marie 08/30/2018 at 08:570 Comments

As required i still needed Bumpers and a brake. I tried to build bumpers, but they where horrible *cough*.

So I decided to rebuild them, the new ones had to be lighter, smaller and much more sturdy. I started with a metall frame which can be screwed to the bottom side of my OtterCar.

To that I mounted the brake, which then pressed to metal pieces on the rear wheels.

The front was then bend up, so it won't touch the ground on uneven terrain.

That already concludes the bumpers (beside some foam, which can be added later) and makes the Bobbycar fulfill most of the requirements. 
