
Proof-of-Concept: Typing own name...

A project log for Modular Keyboard for Limited Fine Motor Skills

Arcade Bottons, Joystick or Eyetracker?

johann-elias-stoetzerJohann Elias Stoetzer 08/23/2018 at 15:150 Comments

We decided to build the fist proof-of-concept with an Arduino Uno we had at hand, a LCD to show the characters and words as well as 4 keys – the most simple setup possible. The next step would be to use the joystick instead. If everything works as intended, we move to an Arduino Leonardo (had the Uno lying around, not the Leonardo) to simulate keystrokes to a Computer.

The colors correspond to movents for choosing a character, confirming or changing the text:

This is done, so little kids can easy orient themselves with the colors if needed...

In the pictures you can see the proof of concept - we can detect the keystrokes without any contact bounces and display the characters...

Here Elias is typing his name...
