A project log for Upgrade your 3D printer from 8bit to 32bit
The latest marlin had ported to stm32 board,everything works, stable and smooth,have BLTouch,etc.
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Wow, that's really hot. And I heard that TMC2208 are a bit cooler than TMC2130. Why mosfets and steper drivers are mounted on the top and not bottom?
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here is an example of why the steper and heatsink are not in same side.https://www.ebay.ca/itm/TMC2130-TMC2208-TMC2100-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Module-fr-3D-Printer-CNC-Engraving-/253084517060
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Wow, that's really hot. And I heard that TMC2208 are a bit cooler than TMC2130. Why mosfets and steper drivers are mounted on the top and not bottom?
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here is an example of why the steper and heatsink are not in same side.https://www.ebay.ca/itm/TMC2130-TMC2208-TMC2100-Stepper-Motor-Driver-Module-fr-3D-Printer-CNC-Engraving-/253084517060
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