
The never-ending quest for the ultimate toolkit...

After going properly freelance at the start of the year, I've decided to completely overhaul my toolkit.

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Firstly a bit of backstory. I'm a RF Engineer working in the broadcast industry, and at the start of 2018 I've gone fully freelance, in a bid to look slightly more professional I've decided to completely overhaul my toolkit.

In our industry we have some interesting parameters for a toolkit, we work onsite anywhere in the world, and may have to walk a mile or so to get from the car to site. This means the kit has to be extremely portable, especially if travelling abroad, and generally can't contain restricted things like gas soldering irons.

We also can tackle a wide variety of issues, from diagnosing video and audio problems, RF issues, cable issues, fibre optics, power, soldering, metalwork, cable repair etc. I'm trying to create a micro kit, where everything has at least one purpose and is as small as possible. This has lead to some interesting searching for varients on even the most basic of tools.

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