
Music Sphere

A programmable 10-finger synth on a sphere that can also respond to tilt and shake. Helping steering wheel drummers expand their repertoire!

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Have you ever thought, "I could be a professional steering wheel drummer?" If so, the Music Sphere takes the same ergonomics and muscle memory and ups the potential with technology!The Music Sphere will have touch sensors for all ten fingers while allowing the sphere itself to be held with the palms. It will have a built-in microcontroller to detect the ten pads and also respond to acceleration (bending the notes up or down, for example).The goal is to also have a user-friendly interface for uploading new synth settings (or perhaps even samples). This will probably be a web interface hosted on the microcontroller to keep it simple.If the project works well, this will be integrated with the elementary and middle school coding camps I run as President of Code4Kids ( Given that eventual audience, I am trying to keep it pretty simple. The initial prototype is being built with an Adafruit Cir

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