I lost the LED ring somewhere between the Supplyframe Design Lab and 23b Shop in Fullerton.
Then, having returned home late, I accidentally left Stylish on the car seat and it melted in the heat of the day! Oh noes!

Worse, I need it to show off at Hackaday Superconference, as I won an award for it!
Well, Friday is a lost cause. It does still work, so I brought it, but it looked terrible!
I can reprint it, but it takes 27 hours! What to do?
Well, the back is still vaguely shaped correctly, so if I just print the front, it might be OK. That's only 8 hours...

Ok. And Alex Whittemore volunteered to print the back, so I sent them the link for the files for that, although I imagine it won't be done before he has to leave for the show, so I won't get it til Sunday in any event.
But what to do about the LED ring?
Well, there ARE traces on the PCB to solder it on directly, but two of the LEDs traces were kinda messed up, so I used the external ring instead.
Well, nothing to it but to do it. I soldered all of the WS2812B RGB LEDs to the board, using lots of bodge wires to fix the places where the traces were incorrect.
It took some debugging, as there was one bad LED in the bunch that had to be replaced, and I had to wire one LED completely floating in the air...

It can still be a little finicky, and the last LED has some strange extra colors in it, but it's good enough for show!
I also have a spare of the white part of the LED bezel, although I don't have the TPE part. I can reprint that Saturday night.
So I should have something decent for tomorrow's show.
Which is in just a few hours! I should sleep!
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Good luck with the show!
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Aaaaarrrrggggh!! Lol. :-D
Great disaster management :-)
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