

A project log for GePS

standalone gesture controlled musical instrument

zed-catZed Cat 10/06/2018 at 20:580 Comments

Updating to Pure Data (Pd) vanilla

In preparation for the reinvented version - let's call it GePS 2.0 - we moved the sound modules implementation away from Pd-extended to Pd vanilla. Pd-extended has been abandoned a while ago. Miller Puckette and a nice community of artists and developers at github keep Pure data growing and updated. We can not recommend enough to dig into this fantastic piece of software and the ecosystem based on it (i.e. libpd)!

The modules still depend on some third party libraries, but since the recently released version of Pd (0.48), the deken plugin for installing third-party libraries is now included in the standard distribution. Thanks to this plugin it's very easy to install the dependencies:

The changes (tagged v4.2) for the update to Pd 0.48 have been already implemented into the codebase and published to the repository. After installing the dependencies you're good to go! Be sure to check if the configured serial port is the one available on your system.


- Version 4.2, update for Pd-0.48 vanilla compatibility (24f5b79f)
- Refactor the serialport code (2ca4ab6c, d9218c7c, 0b0971a1)
