While achieving great results with our efforts to reduce latency between sensor and sound module we noticed a little problem: At higher baud rates than 38400 baud the connection (radio transmission) becomes slightly unstable at times, resulting in dropped bytes. The serial bytes parser in the sound module doesn't like that very much, as it messes up the sequencing of the sensor data. You may notice byte drops as very narrow peaks in the sensor data plot.
To counter this we implemented a watchdog that notices when an unexpected value appears in the place where we usually see the sequencing byte pair (255 255, or 65535 expressed as a sensor reading). The watchdog will reset the sequence to latch onto the next sequencing byte pair, and will repeat that every second until the flow of sensor data is correct again.
You can find the corresponding commit in the GitHub repository (commit 8d2a166a).
A note on data sequencing
To transmit the sensor data with maximum resolution but least amount of overhead (no axis labels), we chose to define a sequencing byte pair that the receiver (the sound module) can uniquely identify as the start of the next sensor reading. To make the least compromise on sensor reading, we limit the resolution of each axis to 2^16-1 values. The range of values starts at zero, therefore the highest value a reading will show is 65534. The value 65535 is reserved as the sequencing byte pair (as this value gets split up into 2 bytes, each of value 255).
While splitting the high resolution values into bytes for serial transmission we still have to take care that the last byte of one axis value (LSB, least significant byte) and the first byte of the next axis value (MSB, most significant byte) do not combine to the sequencing byte pair. This looks like a rare case, but at that data rate even this becomes frequent, especially when performing. So if we encounter such a case, we subtract 1 from the LSB in question (check out the file arduino/sensor_data_tx/sensor_data_tx.ino for implementation details).
If you pay close attention you may ask yourself "what about the case of a sequencing byte pair + 255 of the following axis first byte"? This is a good question, but it's not a problem: On the receiving end the parser matches the first two bytes of value 255 and the following one will be interpreted correctly as what it is.
The only case this could break is when the first byte of the sequencing pair gets lost in transmission. Furthermore, if bytes get lost on the way to the receiver, the counting of the sequence gets out of order, and we can't properly parse the data anymore. But since this update: fear no more! The byte stream is being watched by the sharp eyes of our watchdog and hickups are quickly dealt with.
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