I generated a bunch of patterns using sandify today. The plan is to stack a bunch of patterns in a single gcode file and let it run on the machine during the Milwaukee MakerFaire, so that I can hopefully leave it unattended.
Sandify shows where the patterns start and end using green and red dots. I generated a bunch of patterns and initially put them into file folders labeled with the side of the table where the pattern starts. Each file was named for the basic shape and where it ends. I then made a list of patterns, starting with a wipe to overwrite whatever was on the table with parallel lines. That pattern ended at the top right corner of the table, so the next pattern chosen started at the right side of the table and ended on the left side. The next pattern started on the left and ended at the center, etc... I stacked all the gcode in one file and then set a speed parameter with the first move command.
I tested speed and acceleration in addition to generating patterns. I pushed it all the way up to 500 mm/sec with acceleration at 1000 mm/sec^2. I was very surprised it could run this fast- I was expecting for it to run at 30 mm/sec or so. I may push it higher still...
sand table 500 mm/sec test from Mark Rehorst on Vimeo.
more 500 mm/sec from Mark Rehorst on Vimeo.
The LEDs arrived today, so I'll test them tonight and mount them in the machine tomorrow.
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