
STM8L051F3 improvements and other updates

A project log for eForth for cheap STM8S gadgets

Turn cheap modules from AliExpress into interactive development kits!

thomasThomas 09/16/2018 at 06:360 Comments

Some updates about the project:

Even though the dominance of low-end STM8S devices for low-cost electronics in China has come to a surprisingly sudden end the STM8 eForth community is doing well. The current focus is on custom PCBs, and on boards where replacing a Nuvoton MCS51 controller with a STM8S003F3P6 is worth the effort.

I'm right now hacking a quick replacement for a PIC16F84 based solar heating control that I made about 15 years ago (thanks to STM8 eForth making new is much more attractive than repairing a prototype board with a rats nest of wires ;-) ).
