STC, or Subroutine Threaded Code, is a Forth coding technique that implements the Inner Interpreter through simple CALL instructions. This convenient coding technique, used by STM8EF, comes at a price:
- increased code size: CALL + word address,
- some of the more nifty Forth features don't longer 'just work'
The code still is compact, no problem with that. It's the nifty features not working what bugs me ;-)
The Forth decoder SEE I fixed early on (mostly). The lack of the "Pearl of Forth" DOES> (which allows things akin to object oriented programming) bugs me much more.
In pursuit of perfection (and of code compilation to Flash) I experimented with fixing RECURSE, which, unsurprisingly, allows for writing recursive routines. Fixing it isn't difficult though: injecting CD, the opcode for a CALL instruction, into the generated code is sufficient.
The following snippet extends adds recursion to our humble STM8S Forth implementation. With the help of the new word RECURSE (which puts a call to the currently defined word into the generated code) we then define the well known recursive implementation of the Fibonacci function. Lastly, we call the function for the numbers 9 through 0, and print the result.
HEX : RECURSE last @ NAME> CALL, ; IMMEDIATE : fibonacci DUP 2 < IF DROP 1 ELSE DUP 2 - RECURSE SWAP 1 - RECURSE + THEN ; ok : fibnums FOR R@ fibonacci . NEXT ; ok 9 fibnums 55 34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1 1 ok
By the time I wrote these lines, I noticed that the STM8EF sources already contain a word "CALL,", which is actually implemented as ": CALL, CD C, , ;". However, due to a bug in the original sources it appeared as "CALL" in WORDS. This is fixed now. I also decided to replace "I" with "R@", which is idiomatic in eForth.
One hack more (recursive programming on a humble µC), and one bug less (pushed to GitHub).
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