
Microcluster: a new type of 3D printer enclosure

The Microcluster is a kit that makes it easy to transform a steel shelf into a smart, modular 3D printer enclosure

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This project grew out of my need to build an enclosure for my 3D printers in order to prevent parts from warping and to clean up the work space. It's based off of the awesome cluster of LulzBot's at Aleph Object's headquarters with some adjustments to made to refine the design and
add new functionality.

* Panels attach to a commonly available shelf frame with powerful embedded magnets to make assembly and printer access easier
* Plastic corrugated panels are light weight, insulating and super classy
* Curved sliding door design minimizes effects on other printers from the door being opened
* Outward curve allows large printers like LulzBot TAZ or CR-10 to fit on a smaller shelf that they would otherwise (2ft depth)
* Unused shelf space can be turned into a photo booth!

I'm hoping to crowd fund a small production batch of these kits through Crowd Supply, please check it out! As with all Colorado Printing Project products, all source is already availab

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