Machined a 45 degree groove in the carriage to align the camera. Interim clamping with bolt and rubber washer.
I also upgraded the GRBL to 1.1 and played around with the speed and acceleration. Much faster!
I traced the pins on the Mana SE 3.2 controller board. Many of the pins it does not use are not broken out at all, e.g. Z-Axis stuff. In particular the stepper enable/disable is not connected at all. The laser is driven off D11, and so is the motor port via a Mosfet to 12V, and the servo. Power for the servo is driven from the 5V on the nano via a hidden on/off switch under the nano. Steppers are nailed up to 16X microsteps. Presumably one can run a fan off the motor port, more laser = more fan. So I think I can use this to drive the C axis and maybe some lights.
Picked up some 1/2" MDF for the base etc.

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