I'm happy to announce that I just finished testing a new release of the firmware that supports 4-cell LiFePO4 batteries. Although these batteries can't charge in environments as cold as lead acid batteries can (min of 0°C instead of -20°C), and are more expensive they have much longer life spans and can take many more charge/discharge cycles. They're much lighter too!
The new firmware version 2.0 supports LiFePO4 batteries by detecting a jumper soldered between two previously unused test points on the top of the PCB.

Adding support was a little tricky as I am almost out of flash storage on the EFM8 micro-controller. With the new LiFePO4 features below I now have something like a whopping 40-50 bytes of unused flash!
- Float/Bulk initial charge state threshold set to 13.2V
- Bulk Voltage set to 14.4V
- Power On charge voltage set to 13.6V
- Temperature Compensation disabled
- Charge temperature range between 0°C and 50°C
The github repo has been updated and I also updated the mppt_dashboard app using the current version of Xojo, signing the OS X version and extending the current range on the graph from 0 - 2000 mA to 0 - 2500 mA.
Future orders from my tindie store will have the new firmware. I'll think about how I could create a simple way for people to update their existing firmware if they want. Please contact me if you are interested in this.
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