
cummins 5.9 Serpent isle 日本語 Edition

Custom Service truck

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I have a 2000 dodge ram, 24valve Cummings diesel chassis that i am putting an airbrushed 1992 chevy EXT cab silverado body on and a Kuckle boom crane with a flat deck and welder. I am to put a roll cage in it with a bunch screens that are programmed with micro controllers to display the vitals and eventually run my truck with my own program using javascript and a custom font (rune), from my favorite video game Ultima7 Serpents isle, as to be displayed the whole time when the truck is running. Remember to install a hour meter on the PTO for the knucklboom hours. Install an hour meter for the truck too. Also install new KM odometer at zero. Digital for everything well perhaps not the hour meters but we shall see. I like a mix of anolog and digital. Perhaps install an altimeter just for fun. Garmen. Contact my friend Nathan's deisel shop in red deer for info on possible stand alone comp systems to help with performance and a tune job and put money aside to get them to do that to save

   We will see how the final project turns out as anything can revert or happen to make it happen. It is not about easy and streamlining time and funds too much as this is where the art will come from as I've spent my whole life building the skills and shop necessary to take on this endeavour almost entirely alone. I will start with removing the cab off of my 1992 chevy and strip the inside. I will only be using the cab and not the front end panels and hood as that will be custom but may end up using them. I will repair the cab and put thee outside in primer. It will sit on a low off road dolly cart that i will make out of wood and some rubber air filed castors. 

   Next comes the roll cage installation, this will consist of removing the interior paint in a lot of spots and removal of the panel seam glue so i can spot weld stitches to improve the rigidity of the cab like they do in race cars. The inspirations of this build comes from the Japanese drift culture and rally truck styles as well as oilfield diesel crew trucks and welding truck rigs for a mix of race-car and industrial style. The requirement in the drift racing for the roll bars steel is seamless SAE 1020 or 1025 mild steel tubing with a minimum of 1.5 x .095-inch size tubing but its all specified I'n the drift regulations PDF file that i have chosen to use as a guide in my build. I will also be designing it around the the tool boxes that will occupy the back seat and be accessible through the EXT cab part whereas the rear side windows will be removed for a large lockable size door hatch to access pull out tool box drawers for tools. The design of this will be later specified in a file. their will be mounting plates installed for the roll bars as specified in the drift regulations and the use of gussets will be implemented especially on the front bar along the top of the windshield mainly and side gussets for strength but for looks absolute. Also Framed vehicles have different regulations for the roll cage as they require bolted points of contact from the inside of tube connection plates to plates under the cab with welded pipe that is connected to the frame plate and bolted to the frame. Also the cab will incorporate removable side bars for the style but can be removed for convince as this will never be a competition truck the side bars will not be welded in. Their will also be the five point harness bar across behind the seats for the truck will have two five point harnesses for the occupants.

    The interior will have custom comfertable seats that will allow for the use of five point harnesses. Possibly powers seat rails will be incorporated. The dash and centre console will be quite the design as it will feel like a spaceship or airplane cockpit. This is no joke as this is one of the main driving forces of the whole project It is to give the feeling of exactly what you could imagine feeling like in it, especially with all the race-car hints, but mainly like a cockpit ever so more like a space ship like that picture with the girl in it. Girl picture is not mine at all. Remember to install webasto in truck!

2018 Formula Drift Pro Technical Rules and Regulations US Version 1.2.pdf

The rules to building a drift car that i will use as a guide for any alterations to the truck systems and mainly the roll cage specs.

Adobe Portable Document Format - 4.88 MB - 09/21/2018 at 02:53


  • 1 × 2000 dodge ram chassis
  • 1 × 5.9 24valve cummins turbo diesel
  • 1 × 1992 chevrolet Silverado ext cab
  • 1 × Hiab 044 knuckle boom
  • 1 × flat deck

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  • 1
    get parts

    spend a lot of time looking for the parts and money to purchase the correct parts like the brand new HIAB 044.

    you could get a used one and restore it but time is permiting, i must get this done this winter.

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