After batari Basic compiled the the program into a binary file (default.bas.bin), I burned it to an EEPROM [in this case an Atmel AT28C256].
The EPROM programmer I used was one of those little TL866II Plus programmers you find after searching "eprom programmer" on eBay and checking the 'Under $75.00' box.

Upon receiving the programmer with a highly suspect mini CD, I set up a Windows XP VM and tossed the disk in the trash. Then I needed the software. After some extensive googling, I found it in some sketchy back-alleyway of the internet:
Yeah, run this one in a VM. I used version minipro_setup671 and it seemed to work without much fussing about. Obviously, I'd recommend picking up a name-brand programmer with all kinds of fancy software support that WON'T steal your credit card number in the background. Well, if you have the means...

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