
Rev A Boards Out for Production

A project log for CP/M 50 Mk II

Fast, small, available. Pick any three.

jessexmjessexm 10/21/2018 at 22:270 Comments

Revision A boards should be back in a week or so.  The first revision required a blue wire to correct an issue with reset and the addition of a resistor and capacitor.  The new revision fixes these issues and also simplifies repurposing the Z8 programming serial port.  New features include RTS/CTS connections for hardware flow control and connecting a previously unused Z8 pin to the L92 RTC clock.  The Z8 clock source is a trimmable internal  precision oscillator and the unused pin happened to be a timer output, so we'll see if the RTC proves to be useful.

The new EDA files will be posted to the projects github repo; with the return of the square inch contest completed, congratulations to the winners, the current EDA files will be removed from the files section. 

If you are contemplating building one of these boards I would wait for the new revision to be released; the rework is a bit fiddly.


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