
let my mistake make you 20$.

A project log for mlx90640 sensor works w 800 bytes

Everywhere i read people are excited to get mlx90640 working. here are examples using arduino w 800bytes ram, and 1k with calibrated DEG C

jamesdanielvjamesdanielv 09/08/2019 at 11:260 Comments

I had the pleasure of someone who claims to be from melexis management asking me to verify what i though was an error in the documentation of the melexis 90640 documentation. this person was very professional, and i think they just registered on github so that they could respond to me. lol. 

If all you want is the 20$ read last paragraph. i'll pay it in paypal to whoever can confirm errors. not everyone just the first person. I don't have a tree growing cash in my yard, so 20$ total. thats it. thats all.

In all it ended up I could not verify what i said about the documented errors. I could not find them again, and it is possible that It could have been me. read thru the document, and i think you will understand. there is a lot going on, things are very similar, and so on.

anyone who has read any of my blogs, or seen my videos or read my project logs, know that when i have made a mistake, i like to share it, because we all learn from them. even if i'm a little embarrassed. no process or design can ever be perfect, and looking at things from the standpoint that things can always be made better and or improved within reason of resources and ability, it opens one self up to  feedback for corrections. even though this sensor blog with over 27 logs has only received about 1.8k views. 

I am always happy to improve processes, and i felt it was fair of them to ask me to provide corrections, since i said in forum space that i though there were errors. I spent what i thought was a reasonable time going thru the documentation again.

here is the documentation i referenced:

 It takes a long time to go thru the documentation. it is easy to verify different documents side by side, but the issues i thought were in section 11, and section that showed an example of sensor setup. 

I have apologized to the manager of the melexis company, and told them if i did find errors i would let them know directly. In my comments i also offered 20$ of my own money to anyone that is the first to find errors. i'll pay thru paypal.

if anyone wants to read the comments they are here:

If it no longer is avail i have a pdf of comments i'll upload. i was mainly trying to let sparkfun know that i have a version of code that works on the 328


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