

A project log for Project R

Project R(rrrr) is a low-budget research robot for the rest of us.

rudolphRudolph 07/14/2014 at 04:172 Comments

Dear Diary,

It's been rather slow going these past couple weeks. It has been quite some time since I last did anything robotic-ey, and it shows. My code is rusty at best. I've thrown away 5 times what I've kept... Still, I have some things working, including my first ever attempt at I2C stuff (tested with a Bus Pirate). As proof I offer the following photograph:

See? Bus Pirate! Woohoo! Everything is awesome!

Seriously though, that ATMega1284 on there successfully received test commands over I2C and wrote the appropriate debug text to the serial monitor. Hey, don't laugh, I was stoked! I also pounded a bit of "git for the compleat idiot" into my head and have successfully pushed my Arduino code to my GitHub account.

Next up: some standoffs and the second deck to hold the BeagleBoneBlack so I can dust off my Python... um... skills... and get this thing driving.


zakqwy wrote 07/14/2014 at 12:28 point
Don't hesitate to celebrate the minor victories. I got my first I2C network working a few weeks ago and I was STOKED. Congrats, looking forward to seeing more!

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Rudolph wrote 07/19/2014 at 07:56 point
Hey, thanks man. As long as every minor victory isn't celebrated with rum I might even get this thing finished ;)

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