Woodworking should be in my blood, my Dad was an "old school" joiner to trade, I have inherited a lot of tools and have been using them a lot in this project, learning to use them has been a combination of childhood memories, from all those summer school holiday's with Dad as Day Care was not a thing in them days, and Googling best practices. Master Carpenter I am most definitely not, but an enthusiastic amateur with a garage full of old tools, a hackers spirit and a very limited budget. I like them odds!

Having the main Diorama part of the project 95% completed the focus for me is the Coffee Table Woodworking. Jack is working on the electronics and the plan is to get a day or two together to complete the electronics installation.
The acrylic sides and rails needed fitted, the top rails that will have a RGB LED strip lighting on the underside inner, the top of this rail will support the hinge and gas strut for the hinged top.
We realised access to the track in the tunnel for fixing derailments and for track cleaning was going to be required, a hinged access hatch was needed for each end, the opening top will give access to the rest of the layout.
The Top will have the tempered glass inlaid flush to the top surface in the centre of the top.
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