A bit of whacking with a large hammer and some small spanners and the gimbal starts to take shape. The laser device has been tested and successfully burnt a hole in my carpet at distance = 1 metre.
A project log for Ai Equiped Wasp (and Asian Hornet) Sentry Gun
A powerful laser guided by cameras will vaporize these pests in flight. Hopefully.
A bit of whacking with a large hammer and some small spanners and the gimbal starts to take shape. The laser device has been tested and successfully burnt a hole in my carpet at distance = 1 metre.
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Neat design!
Is the rotating platform stage heavy enough to cause wobble at all on the servos bearings?
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there is a bit of wobble sometimes when the servo speed kicks in at resonant frequency so a bit of damping might be a good idea, but it's not too much of a problem :)
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