
Hector 9000

Fancy barbot with lots of needless features and ...of course... WiFi and a bunch of blinky LEDs

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The idea was to build a barbot which is able to dispense 12 different liquids. We did not want to use peristaltic pumps, because it should be possible to dispense carbonated drinks. So we decided to pump the liquds with pressured air. The mass of the dispensed liquids are measured by a load cell. By using pressured air there is some loss of carbondioxide, but the Cocktails are still fizzy.
Beside the dispensing function we included some eyecandys like some (needless) moving parts and blinky LEDs.
To control the barbot we choose a Raspberry Pi. You can choose the desired Cocktail on a 7" touchsreen. After mixing the drink Hector gives an acoustic signal.

One of our focal points for the development of Hector 9000 is, to make it as easy as possible to replicate the machine. Thus we 

  • used of the shelf & easy to source electronic components
  • made the mechanical hardware parts mainly by FDM printing (without support)
  • host the software on GitHub
  • try to make a good documentation

We also made most of the functional parts independent from the structural parts to give a high degree of freedom for an individual case/cabinet design.  

During the work on Hector 9000 we had a lot of ideas for additional features and improvements. Here are some of them:

  • Ice dispensing unit
  • Cocktail Umbrella dispensing unit
  • Dispenser for sugar
  • GUI based on Qt
  • Statistic functions (Best Drink of the Day, ...)
  • AI to create new Coctail recipes

all software and CAD files have been transfered to GitHub

<--- follow the links on the left side ---<<<

all software and cad files have been transfered to github - 0 bytes - 04/26/2020 at 19:39


...also the documentation

<--- follow the link on the left side ---<<<

also the documentation - 0 bytes - 04/26/2020 at 19:36


  • 1 × Scale DIY, see "Notes on Assembly"
  • 1 × Pump see "Notes on Assembly"
  • 1 × Adafruit PCA9685 Servo Driver Board
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi 3B
  • 1 × Bell Assembly DIY, see "Notes on Assembly"

View all 11 components

  • Hector Pi Image

    DevTown04/04/2022 at 17:17 0 comments

    Now Hector9000 has his own Pi Image.

    You can find it here:

    Have fun an enjoy.

  • Files have been transfered to GitHub

    Cadmium04/26/2020 at 20:02 0 comments

    Due to better maintenance and collaboration, we transfered the CAD files, the software and the Documentation to GitHub.

    We will also provide the STEP files for the 3D printed parts in the near future.

    You will find the files in the following Repositories:



    CAD Files


  • New Release

    DevTown01/01/2020 at 21:36 0 comments

    A new release of the software is here.

    Have a look at ->

    Have fun ;-)

    In 2020 there will be more to come.

  • Hector9000 Cups

    DevTown07/31/2019 at 14:54 0 comments

    We have our own cups now ;-)

  • Hector on event

    DevTown07/16/2019 at 13:11 0 comments

  • Fixed .stl-file

    Cadmium07/10/2019 at 08:03 0 comments

    We fixed a wrong positioned hole in the .stl-file for the valve body.

  • CAD Bug

    Cadmium07/09/2019 at 06:58 0 comments

    Some of you mentioned that there is a bug in one of our CAD files. It seems that at least one hole for mounting the servo into the valve body is not positioned correctly. I will fix it within the next week. We have to apologize for the inconvenience. 

  • New Photos Part II

    Cadmium03/18/2019 at 14:36 0 comments

    Today we will share some photos which are showing the current state of Hector 9000.

  • New Video and Pictures

    Cadmium03/13/2019 at 11:35 0 comments

    Meanwhile we made a video and took some pictures which we want to share with you. We will publish the content within the next week. Today I will start with the video and some pictures of our flightcase.

  • EZ-to-assemble™ Cam

    Cadmium02/07/2019 at 19:58 1 comment

    We got some feedback from people which are building their own Hector 9000.

    Thank you very much for the feedback!

    Some of you pointed out that it is very much work to assemble the valves, because it is neccessary to customize the diameter of the original servo horns. So we tried to create a cam which you could directly mount to the servo shaft.

    Because it is nearly impossible to print the splines of the servo shaft with an ordinary FDM printer, we think it could be possible to press a cam directly onto the shaft and secure it with a M3 bolt. We propose to use PETG or ABS for the print.

    Unfortunately our printer is down for maintenance so we could not test the design. If you decide to try the new cam, it would be nice to get some feedback. You will find the .stl file for the cam in the download area as a single file (not included in the stl archive).   

View all 15 project logs

  • 1
    Download the files

    Download the files on and

  • 2
    Print the parts

    Additional information can be found in the documentation

  • 3
    Build a case

    Be creative. Consider the size for transportation and the possibility for upgrades.

View all 6 instructions

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Julian wrote 02/13/2019 at 17:25 point

Cool project, very impressive! I like the clean design.

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Cadmium wrote 02/18/2019 at 09:26 point

Thank you very much!

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