
Casting economics and brainstorming.

A project log for Geometer

A Holistic Design Tool for Creating, Communicating and Manufacturing Advanced Human-Scale Forms for Design Pioneers and Producers

david-troetschelDavid Troetschel 10/05/2018 at 17:370 Comments

Keeping in mind that Unit size determines resolution and possible complexity of designs we can assume we will need at least 34 unit types (arbitrary.)

Using the experiences of Precious Plastic each module should use a maximum of 180cm^3 or a solid 6x6x5cm cube. These values are not definite but help guide our design.

For now we are assuming that we will be using plastic and that it will either be injection molded on a small scale and molds exchanged between machines in a geographic area or that the units will be cast.

We can assume that the Units will be solid so some rough calculations lead us to:

Thirty-four units, three of each at a maximum of 180cm^3 = 18.36 Liters of material. (5 gallons)

If made via casting Smooth-On anticipated cost for Unit materials would be $500-620 for a full set for a maker space or design studio without bulk discount.

The above example highlights the importance of limiting the number of kit components variations! If we had 16 Unit types we would be potentially more restrained in our design possibilities but it would be cheaper to initially perform form finding operations.

Using the above example understanding the potential build volume should be calculated (tbc.)
