
My Kid Night Light

A custom and very easy to build Night Light for kids. Using only standard modules / stuff, and off course an ESP8266

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This project has no real challenge. I know that a lot of people have done this kind of stuff (for night light, or for weddings for example). But I want to keep tracks of all of my projects, and so I hope to provide this way a very easy solution for building custom LED based / WIFI enabled LED light.This project is "ongoing". I will add details once it's completed. And it will of course integrate with my Wifi Remote (

All code (lamp + remote) is on github

  • 1 × "Colours Cylepur" table lamp Bought in Castorama store in france. You will find the same in brico depot, Leroy Merlin... Any similar cheap lamp will do the job. Need to be large enough to put the 60mm distribution box.
  • 1 × Round distribution box, 60 mm diameter Anything from electric equipment store. I'm using one from Legrand
  • 1 × Wemos D1 Mini Personally, I buy them by 10 on AliExpress. I don't know better ESP8266 boards. A D1 Mini Lite is also OK
  • 1 × Wemos D1 Mini RGB Shield The standard 7 RGB shield
  • 1 × HLK-PM01 AC-DC 220V to 5V mini power supply modul You know this one : the famous "Hi Link" 5V power supply ... I will try with this one, but as I have doubt on quality, you can try also with a better one from mean well (sometime cheaper because they are distributed in Europe and you don't have to pay for shipping)

View all 7 components

  • Added a buzzer for alarm features + a basic remote

    Emmanuel Lecomte10/31/2018 at 13:09 0 comments

    The lamp includes also a buzzer now, and an alarm can be set remotely. When the alarm is on, the lamp blink and the buzzer beep. 

    Time is managed through NTP

    I have also made a very basic remote, with just 1 button. 

    This is basically a wifi connected button, made with a D1 Mini lite. A press on the button reset the ESP8266 (which is in permanent deep sleep mode), which only call the lamp to switch it on or off. Indeed the lamp is far from my girl bed, and so she can activate / desactivate the lamp at will.

    When pressed, the switch also stop a running alarm

    In a further upgrade I will add a tilt switch into the remote, to allow to change the light pattern of the lamp simply by shacking the remote.

  • Completed, with another power source

    Emmanuel Lecomte10/31/2018 at 12:44 0 comments

    I completed this lamp 2 weeks ago. Finally I didn't use a 220V -> 5V converter, but an external power supply (an old 5V / 0.6A from a broken Philips Hue lamp)

    Everything else is as I expected. I didn't take pictures during the building, but here how it is once completed : 

    It works well. The RGB shield is not very powerful, so it's just enough for a night light. As it is very easy to use, I think it's a good use for this shield.

    For the program, I didn't use the standard Adafruit lib for RGB : it doesn't work with my D1 mini (I had a lot of problem with that on some other projects)

    Use instead NeoPixelBus lib, and output D4

  • Preparing stuff for the project

    Emmanuel Lecomte10/11/2018 at 16:08 0 comments

    Why this project ? One of my girls is asking for a Night Light, more to be able to light up the room at demand.

    So, to have a little fun with this, I will do :

    • A Wifi driven Night light. Based on standard electrical components + D1 Mini + RGB Leds
    • A Wifi button, using a standard wall mounted switch box + D1 Mini Lite + Battery + Deep sleep mode (will be described on another project)

    The night light will be, basically, a standard desk lamp. But it will use 7 RGB Led, to add more fun in the light ambiance. I don't need here a lot of lighting power, so the standard Wemos D1 Mini RGB Shield will be OK.

    I have everything I need to start it, except time, so I will update this project page once I will have completed everything. Once again the longest part will be the "mecanical" stuff : merging things together in a way that is safe and do what I want :-)

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