
Command Line Interface Up and Running

A project log for LiPow - The USB C LiPo Battery Charger

USB Power Delivery Based Lithium Polymer Battery Charger

alex-klimajAlex Klimaj 02/02/2019 at 02:080 Comments

I have the FreeRTOS Command Line Interface up and running on the STM32G0 over the UART

I plan on the stats command showing the entire state of the system. As well as an interface to modify the charging parameters on the fly.

I only have the scaling done for the Battery and Cell One ADCs.

Here is the current state of the CLI.

Starting LiPow.
Type Help to view a list of registered commands.


 Lists all the registered commands

 Displays a table showing the system stats

[Press ENTER to execute the previous command again]
Variable                Value
Battery Voltage (V)     15.310484
Cell One Voltage (V)    3.795976
Cell Two Voltage (V)    0.000000
Cell Three Voltage (V)  0.000000
Cell Four Voltage (V)   0.000000
MCU Temperature (C)     0.000000

[Press ENTER to execute the previous command again]


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