
Hackaday BASIC Interpreter

A project log for 2018 Hackaday Superconference Badge

Based on the Hackaday Conference in Belgrade, this badge will be a stand-alone, battery powered vintage computer packed with features

mike-szczysMike Szczys 10/16/2018 at 16:211 Comment

The Hackaday BASIC interpreter is based on the uBASIC project by Adam Dunkels. This provided a tokenizer and the most rudimentary words needed for the language to operate. From there, Jaromir Sukuba greatly expanded the word set to take advantage of the best the badge hardware has to offer.

We are also testing out an advancement in the tokenizer written by @ziggurat29 which shows a speed-up of as much as 40x!

The reference for all of the words is listed below. You may also see examples of these words in use by viewing the example code project log.

Of Note:

BASIC Word List:

Standard Words:

Badge Custom Words

BASIC CLI commands


In order to save you some typing, we defined some aliases for functions


There are a few gotchas that you may run into if really go wild with your BASIC program. Here's a few to keep in mind for those who care to read them:


QuantumStar wrote 10/26/2018 at 00:53 point

This is rad, can't wait to try it out! I grew up with my Dad's IBM work computer, and the Radio Shack something-or-other we had in 1985, but never had a C64, or ZX type computer, so it will be really neat to have a dedicated retro-computer to try programming for :) Can't wait to see what people will do with these before the conference is over!

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