I felt to the Yùn with a Big project " a robot that tidy my room" .
The aim was to build the simpliest interface possible to interact with robot or iot.
I needed a wifi connection so i can simply use my smartphone.
The Yùn provide a hotspot and host an Openwrt/Linux chip.
I bought some Yùn and there was two différents image an official Arduino image and a Linino image, which had the particularity to provide a direct serial communication with mcu.
No more need to write Arduino / C code, there is a nodejs module that read ans write to that files.
A simple nodejs/express/socket.io server provide a web page where i just put two buttons. Multiple users Can connect to the Yùn by wifi ans rapidly TAP the button if his team to put a servo on the opposite side like a 'bras de fer' .
With another nodejs app i can chat with the Yùn : i write '@yun led 1' to light led13. +Other cool nodejs apps . Potentiometer to Drive Flappy
more détails, & how to customize will come here if someone is interested