
I dust off my breadboard

A project log for 8042 clock

Using a keyboard controller MCU from old PCs

ken-yapKen Yap 10/18/2018 at 03:390 Comments

So I brought my breadboard out of storage and prepared a whole bunch of jumpers from telephone wire in my junk box. I have 4 cm and 6 cm length of various colours. I repurposed a PC power supply as the 5 V supply.

Arrgh, I need longer lengths of jumper wire. Although I can make the 6 cm wires reach if I "fly" over the IC, I should really route them on the side so that I can easily plug and unplug ICs so that i can test all the MCUs I have. So I made some 8 cm and 10 cm lengths too.

The breadboard space gets used up quickly, so I've also ordered a larger one for future projects.
