Both RGB Leds and Rotary encoders have two things in common:
They are cheap and very useful to get easy to use User I/O for microcontroller projects. But they are both a hassle to use if you only have one microcontroller and lots of LEDs.
For the LEDs ppl will use Neopixels / WS2812B, etc... But for the Encoder there does not exist a convenient solution. The desire to have this convenient for input as well as output is how this projects was conceived.
Equipment / Software: - Padauk Programmer ( $118 on - Padauk ICE ( $118 on - KiCad - Python (SkiDL) - Padauk IDE
Github, etc:
preliminary concept pcb.
It should be possible to connect them in this manner.
Sadly horizontal pin headers take too much space, it has to fit within these dimensions.