Connecting to the rpi and Hyperpixel4 screen works! I modified the hyperpixel4.dtsfile in the hyperpixel4 github repo. Thanks to the Malti project for the sample tca8418 dts file.

Here's the modified dts file. It requires the tca8418_keypad kernel module to be compiled and installed. I'll get instructions up for that eventually. Right now no interrupt pin is connected and the tca8418 interrupt is set to gpio 11 (the i2c clock line). I'd pick a different pin but there's no other ones available on the hyperpixel4 pinout. I'm also not using the touch version of the hyperpixel4 which also uses the same i2c bus. That may cause conflicts so I'll have to try that next.
Edit 2019-06-29: The keyboard and touch screen both seem to work, just not at the same time. Keys will not register if you are touching the screen / moving the cursor continuously. Likewise if you are pressing/holding keys down then touching the screen will not work. One at a time works just fine though!
/dts-v1/; /plugin/; / { compatible = "brcm,bcm2708"; fragment@0 { target = <0xdeadbeef>; __overlay__ { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <0x1>; }; }; fragment@1 { target = <0xdeadbeef>; __overlay__ { dpi18_pins { brcm,pins = <0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 0x9 0xc 0xd 0xe 0xf 0x10 0x11 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17 0x18 0x19>; brcm,function = <0x6>; brcm,pull = <0x0>; phandle = <0x1>; }; }; }; fragment@2 { target-path = "/"; __overlay__ { i2c_gpio: i2c@0 { compatible = "i2c-gpio"; gpios = <&gpio 10 0 /* sda */ &gpio 11 0 /* scl */ >; i2c-gpio,delay-us = <4>; /* ~100 kHz */ #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; }; }; }; fragment@3 { target = <&i2c_gpio>; __overlay__ { /* needed to avoid dtc warning */ #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; ft6236: ft6236@5d { compatible = "goodix,gt911"; reg = <0x5d>; interrupt-parent = <&gpio>; interrupts = <27 2>; touchscreen-size-x = <480>; touchscreen-size-y = <800>; touchscreen-x-mm = <85>; touchscreen-y-mm = <51>; }; tca8418: tca8418@34 { compatible = "ti,tca8418"; reg = <0x34>; irq-gpio = <&gpio 11 0x2>; // IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING interrupts = <11 2>; // high-to-low edge triggered interrupt-parent = <&gpio>; interrupt-controller; keypad,num-rows = <6>; keypad,num-columns = <10>; // row | column | key-code ex: 04,08,0010 q key linux,keymap = < 0x00000069 // 01 0,0 left 105 0x00010067 // 02 0,1 up 103 0x0002006c // 03 0,2 down 108 0x0003006a // 04 0,3 right 106 0x00040005 // 05 0,4 4 5 0x00050008 // 06 0,5 7 8 0x00060009 // 07 0,6 8 9 0x0007000a // 08 0,7 9 10 0x0008000b // 09 0,8 0 11 0x00090035 // 10 0,9 slash 53 0x01000002 // 11 1,0 1 2 0x01010006 // 12 1,1 5 6 0x01020003 // 13 1,2 2 3 0x01030007 // 14 1,3 6 7 0x01040004 // 15 1,4 3 4 0x0105000c // 16 1,5 minus 12 0x01060027 // 17 1,6 semicolon 39 0x0107000d // 18 1,7 equal 13 0x01080028 // 19 1,8 apostrophe 40 0x01090001 // 20 1,9 esc 1 0x02000010 // 21 2,0 KEY_Q 16 0x02010011 // 22 2,1 KEY_W 17 0x02020012 // 23 2,2 KEY_E 18 0x02030013 // 24 2,3 KEY_R 19 0x02040014 // 25 2,4 KEY_T 20 0x02050015 // 26 2,5 KEY_Y 21 0x02060016 // 27 2,6 KEY_U 22 0x02070017 // 28 2,7 KEY_I 23 0x02080018 // 29 2,8 KEY_O 24 0x02090019 // 30 2,9 KEY_P 25 0x0300001e // 31 3,0 KEY_A 30 0x0301001f // 32 3,1 KEY_S 31 0x03020020 // 33 3,2 KEY_D 32 0x03030021 // 34 3,3 KEY_F 33 0x03040022 // 35 3,4 KEY_G 34 0x03050023 // 36 3,5 KEY_H 35 0x03060024 // 37 3,6 KEY_J 36 0x03070025 // 38 3,7 KEY_K 37 0x03080026 // 39 3,8 KEY_L 38 0x03090029 // 40 3,9 grave 41 0x0400002a // 41 4,0 leftshift 42 0x0401002c // 42 4,1 KEY_Z 44 0x0402002d // 43 4,2 KEY_X 45 0x0403002e // 44 4,3 KEY_C 46 0x0404002f // 45 4,4 KEY_V 47 0x04050030 // 46 4,5 KEY_B 48 0x04060031 // 47 4,6 KEY_N 49 0x04070032 // 48 4,7 KEY_M 50 0x04080036 // 49 4,8 rightshift 54 0x0409000e // 50 4,9 backspace 14 0x0500000f // 51 5,0 tab 15 0x0501001d // 52 5,1 leftctrl 29 0x05020038 // 53 5,2 leftmeta 125 0x0503007d // 54 5,3 leftalt 56 0x0504001a // 55 5,4 leftbrace 26 0x05050039 // 56 5,5 space 57 0x0506001b // 57 5,6 rightbrace 27 0x05070033 // 58 5,7 comma 51 0x05080034 // 59 5,8 dot 52 0x0509001c // 60 5,9 enter 28 >; }; }; }; fragment@4 { target-path = "/"; __overlay__ { rpi_backlight: rpi_backlight { compatible = "gpio-backlight"; gpios = <&gpio 19 0>; default-on; }; }; }; fragment@5 { target = <&ft6236>; __overlay__ { touchscreen-inverted-x = <1>; touchscreen-inverted-y = <1>; }; }; __symbols__ { dpi18_pins = "/fragment@1/__overlay__/dpi18_pins"; }; __local_fixups__ { fragment@0 { __overlay__ { pinctrl-0 = <0x0>; }; }; }; __fixups__ { leds = "/fragment@0:target:0"; gpio = "/fragment@1:target:0"; }; __overrides__ { rotate = <0>,"-5"; }; };
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