
More setting hacks

A project log for Reverse-engineering JBL flip 4

That is, full teardown, analysis, and hacking.

deepsoicDeepSOIC 11/30/2018 at 11:500 Comments

So, I have essentially scanned through just about all "User configuration data" keys of csr chip. I have not found anything that affects dsp. But I did find quite a bit of something. Here it goes.

"user0" = "User configuration data 0" aka PSKEY_USR0

"word0" = the index of word (16-bit value) of data in the key.

"0400" = bitmask in hexadecimal notation. If followed by "->" means I tested that precise value.

       == 0010 bit -> startup sound
       == ffff -> boot-loop, self-resets to BEDF
       0400 bit set-> crash
    word3: startup volume
    word4: if >1aac -> boot loop (halfway through startup sound)

        0001: always BT-pairing?

    word1: change to 0011 -> no startup sound
    word6: crashy
        2000 -> crash
        1000 -> crash
        0100 -> crash
        0010 -> ok
        0040 -> ok
        00ff -> crash
        dbd0 -> crash
        d000 -> crash
        0b00 -> crash
        00df -> crash
        0080 -> ok
        000f -> ok
        >8bcf -> no sound
    word0: crashy
      6070 -> crash
      5070 -> ok
      logic unclear
    word10: similar to 9
    word11: other channel than word12? 
      A060 if any of these set, boot loop with startup sound playing
      4000 : boosts volume
      001f : boosts volume, the more the value the more the boost
        0001: exhibition mode
        0002: ?? maybe exhibition mode too?
user21: see user26
user26: similar to user21
    word0: crash if zero, otherwise no effect
    word2: if zero, next values are filled with what looks like random numbers

user30: sounds table, 3 words per entry
    word0: event number. 4001 = startup, 4002 = shutdown
    word1: sound number. 0000-0009 = digits; 000a = startup, 000b = shutdown, 000c = pairing, 000d = connected, e = bump, 000f = chord, 0010 = connect+, 0011 = cancel connect+
    word2: bit 0002 is enable/disable, the rest seem irrelevant
    word0: 0x0080 - clearing this bit inhibits aux input
    word2: changing value causes either boot loop, no sound, or nothing. Hard to understand
    word4: signed word, adjusts startup sound loudness (negative for less loud) (0100 is noticeable amount)

    word0, word1 always restore themselves

user51:(thanks @karl.potratz)
    device color
    0001 = Black
    0002 = Red
    0003 = Blue
    0004 = Turquoise
    0005 = Grey
    0006 =
    0007 = Red Base with Blue chequer crosses
    0008 = Camouflage
    0009 = Blue with Orange chequer stripes
    000a = Grey with Turquoise chequer triangles
    000b = Turquoise with Blue concentric square pattern
    000c = Black
    000d = Black
    000d = Black

    change to any value -> crash (tested word0 bit 0001, word2 bit 0001) 

user61: (thanks @karl.potratz)
    Custom Device Name. 16 Chars max. (this can also be set via the JBL app)
    004a 0042 004c 0020 0046 006c 0069 0070 0034 0020 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036
       J    B    L         F    l    i    p    4         1    2    3    4    5    6

Of course, this is still very far from complete. I didn't test all bit combinations for the values listed here, so the conclusion might be wrong. 

I've written random values to all unknown data, while looking for clues. Dsp was never seriously affected. Even after isolating a lot of things that cause crashes, I was still observing crashes, boot loops, and overall strange behavior. At least one crash was an unlucky combination of at least two settings in different keys; hunting that stuff down is too time-consuming.

As for "DSP configuration data" - I replaced it all with random values, three times, and it had no effect whatsoever. I'm afraid, it is simply not used at all. Other possibility might be that it checks some checksum on these settings, and reverts to default if checksum is not matched. But I doubt it, it's pointless... So my chances of disabling dsp are really slim at this point.
