
Bluetooth + pre-amp power

A project log for Open Source Comfortable Headsets

Re-purposing aircraft headsets for gaming and reducing noise distractions in the office. A future upgrade may enable it's use during DIY.

joniJoni 12/21/2016 at 10:030 Comments

While thinking about things to occupy my time over Christmas I realised I had almost all the pieces to go from a pc headset to a bluetooth headset.

I have a large USB powerbank I got for free at a convention and with the addition of an XS-3868 module I will be able to use the headset via bluetooth on my phone or on my pc.

XS-3868 Bluetooth module

If the module arrives in time I will assemble everything tomorrow and take some pictures.

There is a great guide to one hackers use of the XS-3868 curiousmuch XS-3868 build log


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