
Arduino Color Picker

Arduino Color Picker lets you pick colors from any object around you.

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The project I want to share with you today is Arduino Color Picker, a device that will let you pick any color from real life object(s) and display it in convenient way so you can use it for example in any drawing software, GUI web development and much more!

Arduino Color Picker

Welcome to my tutorial!

The project I want to share with you today is Arduino Color Picker, a device that will let you pick any color from real life object(s) and display it in convenient way so you can use it for example in any drawing software, GUI web development and much more!


Schematic diagram

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 72.21 kB - 11/18/2018 at 22:37



List of parts

JPEG Image - 445.25 kB - 11/18/2018 at 22:37


View all 10 components

  • 1
    Step 1: Parts List

    For this project we will need:

  • 2
    Step 2: Schematics

    Refer to opening video's assembly section and schematic below to see how to place parts on a PCB.

    Use schematic provided above for correct wiring.

  • 3
    Step 3: Design and 3D Print the Case

    After we have measured the parts, it is time to design a 3D case and print it!


    Here is the link to my design:

    Case above is designed to perfectly fit all the components listed above.

    Front part will hold the LCD screen and color sensor.

    Main 3x7 cm PCB will hold DFRDuino Pro Mini, battery holders and 3 push buttons and will be screwed on the back part from inside.

    RGB LED will sit inside the top section of the back part.

    Power switch will fit in the small hole on the back part.


    3D models ready for printing are available on Thingiverse:

    Print settings may vary depending on your printer.

    Supports are needed for battery cover part and front part because front part has a built in distancer to provide distance between color sensor and specimen.


    For assembly instructions please refer to the assembly section of the video provided at the begining.

View all 5 instructions

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