Feel free to copy and use, learn from, edit, etc. in your own projects.
Here is the BASIC code for My Name Is fid:
10 REM I AM fid
20 cls
25 color 15,4
27 print " "
30 print " Hello My Name is: "
40 print " "
50 color 0,15
60 print " "
70 print " "
80 print " "
90 print " "
100 print " ## # "
110 print " # # # "
120 print " # # # # "
130 print " # # "
140 print " # # "
150 print " ##### # ### # "
160 print " # # # ## "
170 print " # # # # "
180 print " # # # ## "
190 print " # # ### # "
200 print " "
210 print " "
220 print " "
230 REM goto 230
240 wait 100
510 i = 500
520 j = 70
530 tune 43,50,0,i
535 tune 0,0,0,j
540 tune 48,55,0,i
545 tune 0,0,0,j
550 tune 50,57,0,750
555 tune 0,0,0,j
560 tune 43,50,0,i
565 tune 0,0,0,j
570 tune 48,55,0,i
575 tune 0,0,0,j
580 tune 51,58,0,250
585 tune 0,0,0,j
590 tune 50,57,0,1000
595 tune 0,0,0,j
600 tune 43,50,0,i
605 tune 0,0,0,j
610 tune 48,55,0,i
615 tune 0,0,0,j
620 tune 50,57,0,750
625 tune 0,0,0,j
630 tune 48,55,0,i
635 tune 0,0,0,j
640 tune 43,50,0,1750
645 tune 0,0,0,j
650 goto 530
Here is the code for Darth Vader and the Star Wars music:
110 rem Darth Vader By snd
120 println " .-."
130 println " |_:_|"
140 println " /(_Y_)\"
150 println ". ( \/M\/ )"
160 println " '. _.'-/'-'\-'._"
170 println " ': _/.--'[[[[]'--.\_"
180 println " ': /_' : |:::| : '.\"
190 println " ': // ./ |oUU| \.' :\"
200 println " ': _:'..' \_|___|_/ : :|"
210 println " ':. .' |_[___]_| :.':\"
220 println " [::\ | : | | : ; : \"
230 println " '-' \/'.| |.' \ .;.' |"
240 println " |\_ \ '-' : |"
250 println " | \ \ .: : | |"
260 println " | \ | '. : \ |"
270 println " / \ :. .; |"
280 println " / | | :__/ : \\"
290 println " | | | \: | \ | ||"
300 println " / \ : : |: / |__| /|"
310 print " | : : :_/_| /'._\ '--|_\"
320 rem println " /___.-/_|-' \ \"
330 rem println " '-'"
340 wait 1000
10 rem StarWars
20 a = 600
30 b = 1200
40 c = 900
50 d = 200
60 e = 100
70 f = 25
1100 rem 1
1110 tune 58,0,0,c
1120 tune 0,0,0,f
1130 tune 58,0,0,e
1140 tune 0,0,0,f
1150 tune 58,0,0,e
1160 tune 0,0,0,f
1170 tune 58,0,0,e
1180 tune 0,0,0,f
1190 tune 58,0,0,c
1200 tune 0,0,0,f
1210 tune 58,0,0,e
1220 tune 0,0,0,f
1230 tune 58,0,0,e
1240 tune 0,0,0,f
1250 tune 58,0,0,e
1260 tune 0,0,0,f
1270 rem 2
1280 tune 58,0,0,d
1290 tune 53,0,0,d
1300 tune 58,0,0,d
1310 tune 63,0,0,d
1320 tune 58,0,0,d
1330 tune 63,0,0,d
1340 tune 68,0,0,d
1290 tune 63,0,0,d
1300 tune 68,0,0,d
1310 tune 70,0,0,a
1320 rem 3
1330 tune 60,0,0,d
1340 tune 53,0,0,d
1350 tune 60,0,0,d
1360 tune 65,0,0,b
1370 tune 53,0,0,d
1375 tune 0,0,0,f
1380 tune 53,0,0,d
1385 tune 0,0,0,f
1390 tune 53,0,0,d
1400 rem 4
1410 tune 58,0,0,b
1420 tune 65,0,0,b
1430 rem 5
1440 tune 63,0,0,d
1450 tune 62,0,0,d
1460 tune 60,0,0,d
1470 tune 70,0,0,b
1480 tune 65,0,0,a
1490 rem 6
1500 tune 63,0,0,d
1510 tune 62,0,0,d
1520 tune 60,0,0,d
1530 tune 70,0,0,b
1540 tune 65,0,0,a
1550 rem 7
1560 tune 63,0,0,d
1570 tune 62,0,0,d
1580 tune 63,0,0,d
1590 tune 60,0,0,b
1600 tune 53,0,0,d
1610 tune 0,0,0,f
1620 tune 53,0,0,d
1630 tune 0,0,0,f
1640 tune 53,0,0,d
1650 rem 8
1660 tune 58,0,0,b
1670 tune 65,0,0,b
1680 rem 9
1690 tune 63,0,0,d
1700 tune 62,0,0,d
1710 tune 60,0,0,d
1720 tune 70,0,0,b
1730 tune 65,0,0,a
1740 rem 10
1750 tune 63,0,0,d
1760 tune 62,0,0,d
1770 tune 60,0,0,d
1780 tune 70,0,0,b
1790 tune 65,0,0,a
1800 rem 11
1810 tune 63,0,0,d
1820 tune 62,0,0,d
1830 tune 63,0,0,d
1840 tune 60,0,0,c
1850 goto1850
The ascii art is by snd. (I went back to find the name of the ascii artist. snd is Shanaka Dias)
Here is the BASIC code for the YNWA:
5 rem YNWA
10 cls
20 print " "
30 print " "
40 print " You'll Never Walk Alone."
50 wait 500
2000 rem Walk On
2010 tune 64,0,0,1000
2050 tune 69,0,0,1000
2090 tune 67,0,0,500
2110 tune 69,0,0,500
2130 tune 71,0,0,1450
2185 tune 0,0,0,50
2190 tune 71,0,0,500
2210 tune 72,0,0,1000
2250 tune 71,0,0,500
2270 tune 72,0,0,500
2290 tune 74,0,0,1000
2330 tune 72,0,0,500
2350 tune 74,0,0,500
2370 tune 76,0,0,1000
2410 tune 72,0,0,1000
2450 tune 67,0,0,1000
2490 tune 64,0,0,1000
2530 tune 69,0,0,2500
2630 tune 71,0,0,1000
2670 tune 72,0,0,950
2705 tune 0,0,0,50
2710 tune 72,0,0,950
2745 tune 0,0,0,50
2750 tune 72,0,0,950
2785 tune 0,0,0,50
2790 tune 72,0,0,950
2825 tune 0,0,0,50
2830 tune 72,0,0,1000
2870 tune 71,0,0,500
2890 tune 72,0,0,500
2910 tune 74,0,0,1000
2950 tune 72,0,0,500
2970 tune 74,0,0,500
2990 tune 76,0,0,950
3030 tune 0,0,0,50
3040 tune 76,0,0,950
3080 tune 0,0,0,50
3090 tune 76,0,0,950
3130 tune 0,0,0,50
3140 tune 76,0,0,950
3180 tune 0,0,0,50
3190 tune 76,0,0,3000
3310 tune 74,0,0,1000
3350 tune 79,0,0,1000
3390 tune 76,0,0,1000
3430 tune 72,0,0,1000
3440 tune 69,0,0,1000
3470 tune 67,0,0,3000
At first I just entered straight text for BASIC and it looked OK. Then I used the Code Snippets. It looks OK with the colors.